TCL CSOT and Intel, combines the “Screen and Chip” to create a joint ecology

Release time:Mar,30,2023 Source:TCL CSOT

On March 27, 2023, TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology (hereinafter referred to as TCL CSOT and Intel successfully held the cooperation ecology exchange meeting. Zhao Jun, CEO of TCL CSOT and Wang Zhicong, vice president of Marketing Group and general manager of China region of the Intel Corporation, attended the meeting. The two parties first visited and experienced the TCL CSOT smart factory and various innovative products and technologies, and then had in-depth discussions and exchanges on jointly promoting the ecological upgrading of the new generation of IT display.


Previously, TCL CSOT had in-depth cooperation with Intel in such fields as smart factory and new semiconductor display industry chain ecology. Through the cooperation and explorations in four dimensions, including detection integration, intelligent logistics, joint cooperative development and improvement of semiconductor display industry ecological chain, the cooperation relationship of complementing each others advantages, sharing resources and mutual benefit and win-win cooperation was established, and the development and upgrading of both parties' business was promoted. In terms of the application of intelligent detection integration, ADC product defect classification and detection system with high speed and high precision was of great importance. At present, TCL CSOT had accumulated a rich reserve of ADC technology, which, with the data processing pipeline of cloud-edge collaboration, can not only balance various and complex data samples, but also realize the effect of data acquisition, data pre-processing and model reasoning through model deployment and optimization, so as to improve production efficiency for manufacturing enterprises from the system level.


At this meeting, the two parties had carried out extensive discussions on the combination of screen display and chip technology, as well as the construction of IT ecology, and achieved full consensus. In the game experience stage, the excellent performance of Intel XPU and the display panel technology and advanced algorithms of TCL CSOT was fully combined based on the demand of consumers, creating an ecological experience chain with screen display and chip technology fully empowering each other, and relevant standards was developed jointly; adhering to the principle of reducing carbon footprint and building commercial energy-saving green ecological chain, a low-carbon commercial office platform was built with Intel's low power algorithm and TCL CSOTs low power design, materials and processes; meanwhile, the two parties actively promoted the cooperative development of LPDT standard to jointly create the standards of a new generation of high-end laptop, and carry out joint marketing in areas such as e-sports screen, jointly promoting the creation of fully empowered and industry-leading IT ecological chain.

Wang Zhicong, vice president of Marketing Group and general manager of China region of the Intel Corporation, mentioned at the meeting that the two parties should maintain more technology sharing and exchanges in the future, promote the technology cooperation of screen and chip in such fields as processor technology, display technology and complete machine technology, and establish the industry standards of semiconductor display.

At the same time, TCL CSOT was invited to join the technology innovation center prepared by Intel, which will be built as a technology achievement display platform facing ecological partners in the future, displaying technologies co-created and jointly advocated by partners while developing cutting-edge products, co-building software and hardware ecology, and developing new commercial opportunities and new application scenarios. 

Zhao Jun, CEO of TCL CSOT, expressed his recognition and gratitude for the achievements achieved in the past cooperation with Intel, hoping that the two parties could continue to expand the business scope of horizontal cooperation on the basis of in-depth vertical cooperation, and carry out closer cooperation in terms of product joint promotion and comprehensive certification of the combination of screen and chip. The two parties should consolidate the cooperative relationship of complementing each other's advantages, sharing resources and mutual benefit, strengthen the technical cooperation in the field of screen and chip, and jointly build an IT industry ecology with core competitiveness.